What Are The Punishments For Your First, Second, And Third DUI In Michigan?

There are actually many types of DUI charges in Michigan. Those charged with Operating While Intoxicate are those who have a blood alcohol content that is higher than 0.08. Those charged with Operating While Visible Impaired have a blood alcohol level between 0.05 and 0.07 percent and their driving was visibly impaired from the alcohol they consumed. Though a blood alcohol level below 0.08 is less severe, you should still never drive while intoxicated at this level. The blood alcohol level is determined by a chemical test and those who refuse the test may be forced to pay a $500 civil penalty and might have their license revoked. There are also different charges depending on how many past DUI convictions a person has had.

Penalties for DUI Charges in Michigan

Penalties for Impaired Driving

  • Up to a $300 fine and one or more of the following
  • Up to 93 Days in Jail
  • Up to 360 hours of community service
  • Driver’s License restrictions for 90 days
  • Possible Vehicle Immobilization
  • 4 points on the  Driving Record
  • Driver responsibility fee of $500.00 a year for two years

Penalties for First Offense DUI in Michigan

  • Up to a $500 fine and one or more of the following
  • Up to 93 Days in Jail
  • Up to 360 hours of community service
  • Up to 6 months of Driver’s License Suspension
  • Possible Vehicle Immobilization
  • Possible Ignition Interlock Device
  • 6 points on the  Driving Record
  • Driver responsibility fee of $1,000.00 a year for two years


Penalties for Second Offense DUI Charge in Michigan

  • Up to $1,000 in fines
  • Up to 1 year in jail
  • Up to 90 days community service
  • Driver’s license revocation for a minimum of 1 year
  • License plate confiscation
  • Vehicle immobilization for 90-180 days
  • Possible vehicle forfeiture
  • 6 points on the  Driving Record
  • Driver responsibility fee of $1,000.00 a year for two years

Penalties for Third DUI in Michigan 

  • Up to $5,000 in fines
  • Up to 5 years in prison
  • Up to 180 days community service
  • Driver’s license revocation for a minimum of 1 year
  • License plate confiscation
  • Vehicle immobilization for up to 3 years
  • Possible vehicle forfeiture
  • Vehicle registration denial
  • 6 points on the  Driving Record
  • Driver responsibility fee of $1,000.00 a year for two years

Getting a Felony DUI

The first and second DUIs are misdemeanors, while the third DUI is a felony punishable by 1-5 years in prison. Whether you are punished with a felony or misdemeanor affects how long you will need to remain in jail and the other sanctions that will be imposed by the Secretary of State and the Presiding Judge. A felony Conviction is treated much more seriously than a misdemeanor and will effect many parts of your life including employment opportunities, gun ownership, and your right to vote.

Harsher Penalties for a Reason

The goal of the Michigan system is to make sure that the perpetrator never drinks and drives again. Though the charges are severe, there is a chance that a qualified attorney can negotiate the charges down to a period of probation instead of several years in jail.

What’s more, in cities throughout Oakland, Wayne, and Macomb Counties, you’re up against hardened prosecutors and career politicians who are measured by the frequency and severity of their convictions. Especially with drunk drivers.

This is not the time to experiment with self-representation or plead to the charges “just to get it over with.” You need the expertise of a lawyer that specializes in OWI and DUI cases.

What’s more, we understand the needs of our clients. Battling for your future can be emotionally draining. And for many people, a first offense DUI is the only trouble they’ve had with the law. That’s one of the reasons why we work so hard. We believe one mistake shouldn’t mar a lifetime of work or cost you your freedom. If you or a loved one is facing drunk driving charges contact Rudoi Law today.




