In 2010, the Michigan Legislature enacted a “get-tough” addition to the criminal code—The “Super Drunk” Law. If a driver tests 0.17 or higher blood alcohol level, the Superdrunk driving law allows for harsher or additional penalties in an OWI (DUI) conviction.
In many cases, jail times can be nearly doubled; fines and other sanctions become steeper. Also, an ignition interlock device—an analyzer that will prevent your vehicle from starting if you have alcohol on your breath—could be installed on your car (which can also lead to further punishments should you “fail” the breath test).
Needless to say, a “super drunk” conviction is something we will fight forcefully.
Contrary to what we see on television detective shows, criminal investigation is not an exact science. At levels near 0.17, blood alcohol measurements are difficult to pinpoint with complete accuracy, making the Michigan Superdrunk designation extremely vulnerable to attack.
At Rudoi Law, we know how to discredit a super drunk designation on OWI (DUI) charges. Questioning the timing of the arrest and testing, the reliability of the equipment used, and the technician’s experience are all proven, winnable defense tactics.
If your case requires it, we also have access to leaders in the toxicology field to examine your specific case and to testify to the latest findings in the field. Furthermore, at Rudoi Law we know to how cross-examine state experts to expose the potential weakness of their equipment, personnel, and findings.