
Legalized Medical Marijuana supported by 80% of those living in Kentucky.

A recent survey has revealed that nearly 80% of those living in Kentucky support legalized medical marijuana.

Funded by the Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati and the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky, the survey was conducted by the Institute for Policy Research at the University of Cincinnati.

(Related: Marijuana Decriminalization Approved by Vermont Legislature)

The survey discovered that support was high independent of an individual’s party-affiliation. According to polling, 73% of Republicans stated that they support such a move, compared to 83% Democrats. Those who are registered independent support the measure at the most at 86%.

(Related: Marijuana edibles THC limit pose threat to Colorado woman’s business)

When asked another question, “Do you favor or oppose the Commonwealth of Kentucky allowing residents to buy and use marijuana under any circumstances?” 38% of respondents said that they’re in favor of such a move, including being supported by a majority – 51% – of those aged 18-29. All those aged 65 and older weighed in opposition of the move at the greatest, with only 21% in support.

The release of this study comes just weeks after Kentucky legalized hemp on the state level, causing advocates to begin lobbying for further reform like bringing medical marijuana to the state.

(Related: American College of Physicians Says “YES” to Medical Marijuana in Historic Endorsement)

Recent polling has found that 85% of Americans support legalized medical marijuana by a qualified patient.

Regardless of political affiliation Kentucky citizens overwhelmingly support Medical Marijuana.

Regardless of political affiliation Kentucky citizens overwhelmingly support Medical Marijuana.

Whether you’re a patient needing medical marijuana or a considering becoming a medical marihuana provider, Rudoi Law can help you navigate the shifting, uncertain terrain. We can advise you on the registrations needed and the restrictions proscribed by the Michigan Legislature.

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We can also advise you on the prevailing attitudes of prosecutors in your area and what to do in the event you are confronted by law enforcement.

Remember: being confronted by the police about medical marihuana is a real possibility and could have serious consequences. You need to be prepared to defend yourself from overzealous officials. 

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