
Peace for Patients kicks off while medical marijuana advocates make statement during U.S. Attorney General’s commencement speech.

Medical marijuana patients made a statement at the UC Berkeley law school commencement ceremony by flying a plane overhead with a banner that read “Holder: End Rx Cannabis War. #Peace4Patients.” The demonstration was a protest for the recent actions of the Justice Department in the Bay Area.

(Related: Marijuana Decriminalization Approved by Vermont Legislature)

In addition to the flyover medical marijuana advocates were handing out satirical DOJ recruitment flyers outside of the Harvest Greek Theatre, where Holder delivered his speech. The content within the flyers called attention to the great lengths and harmful tactics used by the Obama Administration in the continued war on weed that are negatively affecting the lives of hundreds of thousands of medical marijuana patients in California.

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“Patients will not stand idly by while Attorney General Holder’s Justice Department continues to attack our community and endanger the lives of Berkeley residents” said Caren Woodson, one of the advocates outside the ceremony. “We’re here today to call attention to the misguided policies of the Obama Administration and to ensure that his ongoing campaign against medical marijuana is stopped in its tracks.” Americans for Safe Access and California NORML organized the protest.

The demonstration came just a few days after the Justice Department served an asset forfeiture lawsuit on the landlord of Berkeley Patients Group, a  very prominent and well-regarded medical marijuana dispensary. The lawsuit, filed on May 2nd, was heavily curtly scrutinized by Berkeley Mayor Tom Bates and four city councilmembers.


(Related: Changes to The Michigan Medical Marijuana Act Have Taken Effect!)

“I think it’s time for the federal government, the president and the attorney general to wake up and stop these kinds of actions,” Mayor Bates said at the press conference. “Here is a group of people who have played by the rules and have had no problems in the city with the way they or their patients conduct themselves.”

Americans for Safe Access and California NORML’s efforts coincided with the launch of the Peace for Patients campaign, which is a plea for Congress to “end the war on patients.” The Peace for Patients campaign started as a petition drive and will expand to a wider effort including social media and grassroots meetings with legislators to promote change in federal policy.

Whether you’re a patient needing medical marijuana or a considering becoming a medical marihuana provider, Rudoi Law can help you navigate the shifting, uncertain terrain. We can advise you on the registrations needed and the restrictions proscribed by the Michigan Legislature.

(Related: Former chief justice co-authors book about Supreme Court’s ‘dark money’)

We can also advise you on the prevailing attitudes of prosecutors in your area and what to do in the event you are confronted by law enforcement.

Remember: being confronted by the police about medical marihuana is a real possibility and could have serious consequences. You need to be prepared to defend yourself from overzealous officials.

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