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Medical Marijuana Legalized In New Hampshire, making it the last state in New England to legalize medical marijuana.

Tuesday July 23rd , New Hampshire became the 19th state to legalize medical marijuana when Governor Maggie Hassan signed a new bill into law.

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The law was overwhelmingly approved by state lawmakers in both legislative houses, making New Hampshire the last state in New England to legalize medical marijuana.

“Allowing doctors to provide relief to patients through the use of appropriately regulated and dispensed medical marijuana is the compassionate and right policy for the state of New Hampshire, and this legislation ensures that we approach this policy in the right way with measures to prevent abuse,” Hassan said in a statement.

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As a result, patients with “chronic or terminal disease” or “debilitating medical conditions” can be written prescriptions for marijuana. These patients will be allowed to possess up to 2 ounces of marijuana, which they can obtain from a nonprofit marijuana dispensary.

“This legislation is long overdue and comes as a relief to the many seriously ill patients throughout New Hampshire who will benefit from safe access to medical marijuana,” Matt Simon, a New Hampshire-based legislative analyst for the Marijuana Policy Project, said in a statement. “Those suffering from debilitating conditions like cancer and multiple sclerosis deserve legal, safe and reliable access to medical marijuana.”

The initial version of the bill allowed patients to grow their own marijuana at home, but Gov. Hassan removed that provision. Also, the law requires patients to obtain the prescription from a medical provider that they have been seeing for at least 90 days. This provision ensures that patients have tried other solutions to their ailments and displayed ongoing symptoms before resorting to marijuana use.

New Hampshire legalizes Medical Marijuana.

New Hampshire legalizes Medical Marijuana.

Under the new law, up to four marijuana dispensaries can grow a maximum of 80 marijuana plants and possess 80 ounces of marijuana, or 6 ounces per patient.

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“By providing strong regulatory oversight and clear dispensing guidelines, this bill addresses many of the concerns that were expressed throughout the legislative process,” the governor said. “[The bill] legalizes the use of medical marijuana in a way that makes sense for the state of New Hampshire and gives health providers another option to help New Hampshire’s seriously ill patients.”

Illinois, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania are currently considering similar measures.

“The vast majority of Americans recognize the medical benefits of marijuana and believe people with serious illnesses should have safe and legal access to it,” Simon said. “We applaud our elected officials for enacting a law to protect patients, and we hope legislators in other states will follow suit.”

Rudoi Law can defend you against unconstitutional legislation and improper law enforcement. Whether you have been recommended for medical marijuana in Michigan or are a registered caregiver or grower, we can defend your rights.


Read more: https://www.rt.com/usa/new-hampshire-medical-marijuana-542/


