Michigan DUI Statistics

Michigan DUI arrests are very common, especially during the holiday season. Michigan is a state with very strict drunk driving laws and enforcement of those laws. Michigan DUI / OWI  enforcement is especially vigilant during the holiday season. The last year that full statistics were released for drunk driving in Michigan was 2006.


2006 Michigan DUI Statistics

–          44,553 people were arrested for drunk driving.

–          302 accidents causing death where at least one of the drivers had blood alcohol content of 0.08% or above.

–          335 people were killed in accidents where one of the drivers had blood alcohol content of 0.08% or above.

–          63 people were killed in accidents where one of the drivers had blood alcohol content between 0.01% and 0.07%.

–          398 people were killed in accidents where one of the drivers had blood alcohol content above 0.01%.


According to the Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning the average cost of a DUI / OWI conviction in Michigan is $15,680.00. This is a very significant amount of money not to mention the other penalties that can stem from a DUI conviction. Most importantly, as the statistics show, death is a common consequence of drinking and driving. Please refrain from drinking and driving as the consequences are so severe for both you and the others on the road that you may effect.


At Rudoi law we are experts in DUI defense. If you or someone you know has been arrested for drunk driving contact the experts at Rudoi Law today.