Do you know the consequences of getting stopped for a DUI? Michigan is very strict when it comes to drunk driving. It’s important to understand the statistics. We provide some stats below.
Michigan DUI Statistics
Michigan is a state with very strict drunk driving laws and enforcement of those laws.
Penalties for a DUI conviction
Penalties for a DUI conviction are extensive for those who choose to ignore the laws set forth by the state.
Tougher punishment for superdrunk drivers
First-time offenders who meet the super-drunk standard can expect to pay $8,000 to $10,000.
What happens to my driver’s license?
The following is a list of the required actions that will be taken against your driver’s license.
How do Michigan courts handle DUI charges?
The court system is designed such that if you don’t take the right steps, your mistakes could cost you.
Arrest rates on campus vary by school
Ann Arbor roads are frequently congested so police can’t execute the type of DUI enforcement common in East Lansing.
Expected bail for first time DUI in Royal Oak, MI
Michigan takes DUI and similar offenses very seriously. In Michigan, drunk driving is typically classified as Operating While Intoxicated (OWI).
If you are facing a DUI case, then contact the local criminal defense attorneys at Rudio Law. Schedule a consultation by calling (248) 914-9387 or by filling out our online form!